Generation of ideas Prototyping After

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Generation of ideas Prototyping After

Post by seoexpate500 »

After the brainstorming, each idea is evaluated, a few of the most relevant are selected and checked from the point of view of their implementation — technologies, budget, etc. The final step is choosing the best idea that will satisfy the customer's needs as much as possible. It does not necessarily have to be one solution, sometimes several options are combined into a single whole. the idea is approved, a prototype is created to check whether it will "work" in practice and to gain a deeper understanding of how the task can be solved in the most effective way.

It is advisable not to spend a lot of time and money on prototypes. If the Bahamas Email List turns out to be unsuccessful, the developed model will need to be replaced with new ones. Moreover, expect that there will be several hypotheses before you find a really effective niche. Prototypes are needed not only for future sites, applications, programs or some devices. They can be used in almost all areas. Even in the tourism or restaurant business. Testing When the best prototype is selected and created, it is offered to test users. The team then asks for an extended comment.


It is important to understand how well the chosen solution is perceived by potential consumers. Moreover, the interaction of the CA with the prototype cannot be left to its own devices. Make sure people understand what situations and problems the product is designed for. Be sure to record all comments: what is convenient and vice versa - what is not liked, causes difficulties in use and what exactly. Mistakes help to understand customer needs and refine solutions. It makes no sense to launch a product without testing it with a real audience. If there are significantly more negative reviews than positive impressions, the idea is usually abandoned.
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