How Pangolia Uses Mailshake for Affiliate Partnerships Success

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How Pangolia Uses Mailshake for Affiliate Partnerships Success

Post by soniaakter12 »

Pangolia is an authority in the pet world that owns digital media sites like PetKeen and Hepper. Their goal is to help pet owners and pets live their best lives, so they work with professionalUAE Phone Number vets to create authoritative and accurate pet content, covering everything from cats and dogs to reptiles.

But simply helping others doesn’t make for a very profitable business, so Pangolia also earns affiliate commissions by partnering up with other pet businesses. This not only helps them make money (7 figures in this case), but also allows them to bring the best products and resources to their audience.


Now, initially, affiliate outreach was painful, slow, and inefficient for Pangolia. They were:

Doing everything manually
Failing to personalize their emails
Using basic and messy spreadsheets
Losing potential partnerships by not following up
Enter Mailshake! We helped Pangolia overcome all of these problems and take their affiliate partnerships over the 7-figure mark.

So we reached out to their CEO — Simon Treulle — to learn why they chose Mailshake (out of all the tools on the market) and how they used it to achieve this feat.

Read ahead to learn how Mailshake took Pangolia’s affiliate partnerships past the 7-figure mark and — if you pay attention — how it might do the same for you!
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