Cold transferring and BiggerPockets cold

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Cold transferring and BiggerPockets cold

Post by shamima02551 »

Cold transferring and BiggerPockets cold calling are two separate concepts, though they might be used together in some situations.

Cold Transferring:

Refers to connecting a caller directly to someone else without first speaking with that person yourself.
The recipient has no prior knowledge of the call or the caller's situation.
Not ideal for real estate calls, as it creates a disjointed experience for potential sellers.
BiggerPockets Cold Calling:

BiggerPockets is a resource website for real estate investors. It's unlikely they have a specific script for cold calling.
Cold calling in real estate Afghanistan Phone Number List involves reaching out to potential sellers (often homeowners) who haven't listed their property.
The goal is to connect with motivated sellers and potentially buy their property below market value (flipping) or turn it into a rental property.
Effective BiggerPockets Cold Calling involves:
Targeted leads: Researching potential sellers who might be open to selling (e.g., inherited property, pre-foreclosure).
Building Rapport: Introduce yourself, be friendly, and explain your purpose clearly.
Understanding Needs: Listen to the seller's situation and tailor your approach accordingly.
Offering Value: Highlight how your solution benefits them (e.g., quick cash sale, avoiding realtor fees).
Would Cold Transferring Be Used in BiggerPockets Cold Calling?


Generally, no. A warm transfer, where you introduce the caller and explain their situation, is preferred in real estate calls.
A cold transfer might be used if the seller specifically asks to speak to a colleague who specializes in their situation. However, confirming the colleague's availability first is crucial.
BiggerPockets Resources:

While BiggerPockets doesn't offer specific cold calling scripts, they have resources for real estate investors, including articles and forum discussions on effective cold calling strategies.
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