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Advantage Of Tongliao Phone Number List New Sellers?

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 4:13 am
by riyasimla2020
So we always the who, what, when, where, why, and Tongliao Phone Number List of the bundle before we even create it so that we know it’s rock solid before we list it. Bradley Sutton: Interesting. Interesting. Okay. So then if somebody doesn’t want to go all in at first, usually when you go to wholesale companies, you get– you have MOQs sometimes. So if you want to test the market, you probably– even though it’s at a loss, you probably could just maybe buy some retail and just see what kind of– how fast it sells, or if there’s even Tongliao Phone Number List activity on it, to see if any page views. And then if it’s successful, then you go in and go ahead and buy 100 of each or something like that.

Is that a good strategy, or do you have so much confidence when you start that you don’t even need to test? Kristin Ostrander: I think testing’s important. And I think retail is a really good way to test bundles like that. But I also want to debunk the myth that wholesale is expensive or that a lot of wholesale companies have huge minimum orders. As a matter of fact, I just did a Tongliao Phone Number List episode of starting wholesale for $300 or less Tongliao Phone Number List so many people come to me and say, “Wholesale is going to be so expensive and there’s going to be all these charges.” And it’s just such a myth. There’s so many companies out there that have minimum order quantities of $300 or $200.


Some of them actually have zero minimum orders. You can buy as little as one Tongliao Phone Number List or as many as 10,000. And so, I think there’s definitely some myths there about wholesale and how hard it is to start and stop. Now, of course, if you’re going to go to Hasbro or Mattel or Nike, and you want to try to get a– you’re trying to get orders with them. Well, clearly you’re going to have to– if you’re going to run with the big dogs, you better have deep pockets. So that’s why I suggest people start with more simplistic items, some– focus Tongliao Phone Number List the attributes of the items instead of brand names. And so I think that that’s really a myth that people do, but testing is very important. And I think retail is a good place to start if you’re nervous or you just want to give it a test run to see.