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Another Big List of US Mobile Phone Numbers Hurdle Is Cost

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 4:12 am
by riyasimla2020
Bradley Sutton: Love it, love it. All right. Now, before we List of US Mobile Phone Numbers into your 30-second tip, we’re going to play the search volume game, something we do here, where I’m going to give you three words, keywords, and don’t have helium 10 open. I’m going to give you three search volumes and you’re going to try and match which one it is. Now, since you’ve been to– I usually try and think of something that relates to the person. So since you said, from when you were a little girl, you would sell chocolate List of US Mobile Phone Numbers and now you’re doing bundles with some chocolates. I saw it. So I’m going to give you three chocolate-related keywords. All right. So, here they are. This is going to be in the order of the smallest number of letters to largest.

So chocolate bars, chocolate gift box, and chocolate chip cookies. And now the three search volumes, from smallest to largest are, one of these keywords is searched for 11,000 times, one 20,000 times, and another 33,000 times. So again, chocolate bars, chocolate gift box List of US Mobile Phone Numbers chocolate chip cookies. Which word goes to which search volume? Kristin Ostrander: Okay. So I think chocolate chip cookies would probably be the 33,000. Gift List of US Mobile Phone Numbers , I think would be next at 20,000 and chocolate bars at 11K. Bradley Sutton: All right. You got one right. The chocolate chip cookies, definitely 33,000.


But yeah, surprisingly enough, the chocolate bars is 21,000. That’s just List of US Mobile Phone Numbers in itself. I keep hearing these rumors that Amazon is going to stop allowing melt-able stuff inside their warehouses, but I’ve never seen that actually happen, but yeah, there’s actually 21,000 people estimated, searching for chocolate bars, but chocolate gift box by itself. Something I never even thought about still has a hundreds of people searching that day, 11,000. So, interesting. Kristin Ostrander: That was my bundle hopeful that that List of US Mobile Phone Numbers going to be a little bit higher than that. Bradley Sutton: There we go. Yeah, there we go. There we go. There we go. Well, now that everybody hears this episode, maybe like three or four weeks, that search volume is going to be 15,000 or more for chocolate gift box. Alright.