Spambots also eventually learned

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Spambots also eventually learned

Post by pappu910 »

If your email address can be seen on your website spammers and spambots will find the address and send spam directly to your inbox. Using contact forms will allow your users to reach you directly via form submissions and many have builtin security measures that will help block spam submissions. Install Google ReCAPTCHA web formOne common antispam measure that was used for a long time was CAPTCHAs which were tests designed to distinguish human users and prevent bots from submitting forms.

CAPTCHAs were effective for blocking bots but they became an annoyance to users as some CAPTCHAs were difficult to figure out and would take users an extra to seconds to fill out and Phone Number List submit a form. The use of these CAPTCHAs led to an overall decrease in form submissions. how to bypass CAPTCHAs. For these reasons Google ended the CAPTCHA but introduced a spam protection measure called a reCAPTCHA.


The reCAPTCHA is a button that simply asks users to click to confirm that they are not robots. This is easier and less time consuming for users and still effective for blocking most spam submissions. Use Honeypots Honeypots are a great spam protection alternative to CAPTCHAs and will not inconvenience your users in any way. Basically honeypots are bits of coding that display additional forms that appear only to spambots.
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